Thursday, May 19, 2011

first blog ever! feather extensions!

Hello fellow readers! Haha, well I'm not quite sure if I even have any readers but if you're reading this, thanks! I've never had a blog before but I thought it would be fun to give it a shot! I actually came home early from school today cuz I think I have strep throat :/ blechhh! I absolutely HATE being sick. So I thought, 'Hmmm, hey Amanda! This would be a great opportunity to make a blog!' Ok, so if you haven't read through my profile yet, my name is Amanda and I am completely and utterly (is that even a word?) obssesed with anything and everything beauty. I basically own my computer to keep up to date on my favorite fashion websites or beauty gurus on youtube! I would like to try to put a blog up on here every day, but we'll see how that works out. I am a cheerleader and at my school, we basically don't have an off season; which means I'm constantly training, practicing, running, learning a new routine, or taking a tumbling class. I spend about 3 days a week doing that, sometimes more! However, writing is a way for me to let go and relax, which is why I want to do this as often as possible. I also find that it is a good stress reliever for me :D Yippee! Sooo, without further do, lets get talking beauty already!

Today I want to talk about a very popular trend going around right now, at least in my town. I might be a little late to jump onto the band wagon here, but I am absolutely LOVING feather extensions! They are just the cutest little hair accessory I have ever seen! I just got some feather extensions put in my hair about a week ago and I think they give the cutest pop to my light brown hair :) I got two of them, but they are both held under the same bonding piece thingie ;) I got them both in the same color, they are a yellow green color with black stripes and they are adorable. I have never gotten so many compliments on my hair before! I think they a pretty good price range too, at least from where I got them from. I'm pretty sure I got mine for around $12 to $15. So far, showering and styling my hair with them in is super easy. I just do what I would normally do if I didn't have them in. They dress up any hair style and I think its so high fashion for this time of year. They're supposed to stay in for a pretty long time too! My hair dresser said that you can keep them in for about 6-8 weeks, which is awesome! Also, I do know that you can purchase a bunch on your own, with the plastic clasps and the clamp and do them yourself at home! Now, some people may be like "well you see Amanda, I really want to get feather extensions but I don't know if I always want them showing, so I don't know what to do!" No problem! I got both of my extensions put in under my hair, behind my right ear. This way, if I want them showing, I can pull them to the front of my hair where they can be visible, but if I don't, I can leave them be! All in all, I think these extensions are going to be 'in' for a while still. I think they're super cute, super affordable, and super trendy. I highly recommend getting them if you think you might be interested. I hope you all enjoyed my first blog and I will talk to you all soon.
Have a great day ladies, <3 Amanda

PS: I would love for you to follow me on Twitter! -amandasnyder94

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